Please refresh your browser to make sure you have the most recent version of the schedule and updates.         Last updated 2/7/2025

Registration for summer 2025 classes will begin on April 1.

Please do not submit requests before that time, we are unable to hold early spots.

Thank you for your understanding and compliance with our scheduling policies.

Please see our class schedule / information tab for winter and spring options. 


Please see the class schedule / information tab for upcoming class options

At Wreck-Less Driving Academy we offer Driver's Education and Behind-the-Wheel for students around the north metro area. 
We offer the 30 hour class which fulfills the MN requirement for student drivers test for their Class D Permit. 
Behind-the Wheel instruction is offered to permitted drivers by our Minnesota State licensed instructors. 
Classes are offered in Becker, Monticello, Big Lake and Live-Virtual, Behind-the-Wheel is offered in Becker, Big Lake, Monticello, Princeton and Spectrum in Elk River. 
Please reach us by email:   

Winter Weather:
Plan to drive no matter the weather, the instructor will contact you if changes need to be made.  Experience in different
weather conditions with an instructor is a valuable opportunity for our students.  The driver will make a decision based on
your safety.  Please email the office if you have any concerns.

Our Locations:

  • Becker Office/Classroom (BTW pick up location): 14030 Bank Street   Becker, MN  55308 (next to Anytime Fitness)
  • Monticello Satellite Office (BTW pick up location):  133 Sandburg Rd -in the Fitness Evolution building, behind Cornerstone Auto
  • Big Lake High School: drives will pick up and drop off at main entrance drop off lane in front of office -501 Minnesota Ave, Big Lake.
  • Spectrum/ Elk River Spectrum High School main entrance -17796 Industrial Cir NW, Elk River
  • Princeton drives will pick up and drop off at Princeton HS door 15 (PAC back parking lot) -706 1st St, Princeton


  • Mailing Address: 13221 Johnson Street SE   Becker, MN  55308       

  • To reach us regarding a scheduled drive within the next 24 hours you may TEXT: 763-567-2727

  • Please see our Classes/Instruction tab for class registration

  • We do not accept on-line payments, registrations or schedule appointments on-line, please email us and we will get you set up

PLEASE NOTE: Wreck-Less Driving Academy corresponds and schedules via email. Contact us at: or on form below.

Behind the Wheel students:

Our first priority is to our students who have purchased a package with us for classroom training and behind the wheel.

At this time, we are only accepting new students for behind the wheel who meet one of the following:

* Have obtained a letter from the MN Dept. of Public Safety stating that they have completed a home school program and are eligible to register for BTW to receive a blue card and         schedule a permit test.
* Have completed classroom training with Annandale high school and have a letter of completion signed by instructor N. Green
* Have completed a MN DPS accredited classroom training program, have a certificate of completion, need to receive a blue card to take the permit test AND attend Becker, Big Lake,     Monticello, Princeton or Foley High Schools.
* Unless you have recently moved to the area, we are not accepting permitted transfer students at this time.


To schedule a test online go to: or call: 651-284-1234



Please plan ahead for your behind the wheels.  Your drives should be spread over a 4-6 month period.

Work backward when planning drives:

#3: about a 3-6 weeks before your anticipated test date

#2: about 2-3 months before your anticipated test date

#1: about 4-7 months before your anticipated test date


after you have at  3-6 months practice with parents

*Please do not schedule before you have considerable practice with a parent or other supervising driver

*All permitted drivers must have their permit for a minimum of 6 months AND be 16 to be eligible to take a road test

*We cannot guarantee to get 3 drives scheduled for you if you begin scheduling less than 4 months before the test date

*As with other important appointments, drives may be scheduled during school hours or other activities

*This timeline must also be followed for transfer and behind-the-wheel only students

To schedule drives: email

-Include your name, how long you have had your permit, when you hope to test and which location you would like to schedule your drives.  Our office will follow up with you.

Don’t forget to log your practice hours on the sheet provided, do not write on the back, contact us if you need a new one or get on off the DVS website. -Parents are required to sign this form.  You will receive your WHITE COMPLETION CARD at your last behind the wheel.